About Our Tutors
All our tutors are personally hand-selected by our manager, Gloria Kaneko. They are all friendly, fully qualified and experienced tutors who meet our high standards for quality of tutoring, passion for teaching and caring about students.
So many other private tutors merely provide general help to students in a particular subject. Here at Elite Tutoring College however, you can expect top quality tuition by professional tutors who will also guide you and teach you exactly how to approach your curriculum and exams to maximise your grades.
Our focus is on providing the best possible tutor for each student's individual level, budget and needs. We have tutors available ranging from recent graduates, to high-school teachers, to HSC markers, to tutors with Ph.D.'s and/or over 20 years of experience.
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Available Language Subjects
The following is a listing of the major language subjects normally available at Elite Tutoring College:
- English
- Japanese
- Latin
- French
Because we also have access to a large roster of selected on-call tutors, we can cater to students requiring tuition in less common, specialised subjects as well.
Read More About All Our Language Subjects